Hedricksons are on!
Very good showing from noon to 1pm on Tuesaday.
I was glad to have my good friend Shakey out from Philadelphia. I picked him up from Lancaster Amtrak Train Station at 10 am which was perfect timing to get to the Breeches by 11:30am. Immediately we had fish rising. We arrived after the morning grannom hatch but during the transition time into the Hendricksons. The grannoms were still in the air from the morning but the Hendrickson’s took over around noon.
With some fish still keyed into caddis I started where I left off from two weeks ago and I tied on a Royal Stimulator and began working the medium to faster waters and feeding lanes. It was much more difficult to prospect for rising fish but you could find some success by firing a cast into a high probability lie or lane. Fishing a dry to an active and visible riser was still the most effective and approach on top. Tuesday was like Christmas day for me, I wait all winter for greedy surface feeders to appear and they certainly did not disappoint.
While fishing on top is my personal preference there was another very effective approach to be used in the afternoon. Shakey is a wet-fly expert and he enjoys fishing them with a wide range of presentation. Often times folks think that swinging wet-flies is the only way to fish them but there are actually many different ways to fish a wet-fly. Dead-drifted with a slack line-cast proved to be effective, using arial mends or a wiggle-cast. Shakey used a variety of flies such as “spiders” or other flies “tied in the round” to imitate both grannom and hendrickson emergers.
The bugs slowed down after 1pm and we grabbed lunch at the Neato Burrito in Carlisle, great place to eat and only 15 minutes from the stream. We headed back out around 3pm and found a few fish rising in the riffles. The best time of the day is still the morning from 8am to noon. Bugs can be found almost top to bottom on the creek.
Get out and enjoy this great time of the year!
@shakeylyman Obligatory food photo
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