Brook trout have been fighting an uphill battle to survive for the last 200 years as their native eastern habitat is exponentially destroyed in the name of progress and urbanization but now they have a new hope.
Enter Shannon White Penn State Ph. D. candidate and Tyler Wagner Ph. D. together they are The Troutlook. Shannon and Tyler are studying brook trout behavior and habitat in Pennsylvania. Recently WNEP.com did an excellent outdoor segment on The Troutlook’s work.
What is critical to understand about this work is that baseline information about brook trout habitat is hard to establish since degradation to it has been happening for almost two centuries. The Troutlook’s work is focused on understanding current brook trout behavior and placing these new findings in context and contrast with conventional and currently upheld knowledge. The Troutlook may very well provide us with detailed behavior information that will allow us to better manage and protect native trout habitat.
Please take the time to check out their page and learn more. TheTroutlook.com is updated frequently and provides raw insight to the life, adventures, and findings of a few front-line conservationists here on the east-coast working in the Keystone state. Sometimes you don’t know what you have until it’s gone, let’s not let that happen to our state fish.
Here are more links to the WNEP.com segment on The Troutlook’s work.